Team Report

Clear and detailed account of your team’s processes

Once the platform of for our communication, and for our mindmap was established the team started to make immediate contributions. The initial mindmap was strongly contributed to by two enthusiastic members before a business was chosen to be the basis for this assignment.

Wiggio was our forum to hold our conversations with our team members and detail our processes on how we arrived at our conclusions.

The mind map provided an initial guidance on the ideas and concepts behind any e-commerce business that was chosen.

Clear identification of tasks and goals

The identification of the end goal was discussed first and this was based on the assignment goal of “What is the fundamental economic basis of the internet”. With the team looking at the overall goal, discussions were had to break down the task into relevant topics for the team to report upon. Members offered up possible topics to include in the final assignment. Some further explanations of why members posted certain topics where needed. Once the minor clarifications had been made team members readily stuck up their hands to claim their topic of choice.

All tasks were documented on the teams Wiggio forum.

Effective handling of scheduling, fulfilment of tasks, meeting and readjustment of milestones

The team was able to schedule tasks and milestones easily with the tools present in Wiggio. We added the due dates for both the Outline and the Final for this assignment. The team also agreed to set a due date for the first draft to be due one week before the final assignment was due. This was to allow any feedback or readjustment to ensure flow of the assignment, preparation of references and to ensure that the topic was as required in the assignment specifications.

A readjustment of the Team’s self imposed draft due date had been made to assist members complete their final tasks. The team wanted to ensure that no unnecessary further pressure was placed on a team member towards the conclusion of the assignment.

Effective decision making process, critical meetings and dialogues

Decisions were quite easy to make. The team was quite agreeable in taking on tasks and proposing tasks. Discussion where decisions needed to be made were often logical and thought out, with some decisions being quickly made whilst others were discussed over longer periods. Wiggio was the platform of choice to air any concerns about the decisions being made and direction of the assignment.

Effective management of different views and setbacks

During the earlier stages there was some differing views on how to ensure all team members would partake in the assignment, and when the team should begin even though not all members were present at this stage. This occurred within the first week of the assignment and was dealt within the first week and a half of the assignment.

Since this initial differentiation of views on how to engage all team members, there has been little in the way of set backs or divisions that have required a placating response or intervention from other parties.

Degree the final product is a collective response and the result of consultation between all members

The assignment is definitely a product of its collective members. Our team was missing a member up until the final 2 weeks of this assignment. This team member has now readily made contributions to assignment, weekly reporting and the discussions since their arrival. This has allowed the team to cover another topic regarding for our group assignment on Amazon.

Collectively the team has made decisions and engaged in discussions to ensure that their contribution has been as equal as all others. Whilst there was some members that engaged more often than others via Wiggio, this did not show a lack of contribution to the overall final product by those members.

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